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Getting started

Software requirements

  • Docker desktop
  • Local kubernetes cluster (i.e minikube)
  • Java 18 (Optional)
  • Node.js 18 (Optional)

How to run

  • Ensure that docker is running.
  • Ensure that a local kubernetes cluster is running. Recommended config for the cluster is: 8 cpu and 8192 memory
  • Give execute permission for file by running
chmod +x ./
  • Deploy kubernetes cluster by running this command
./ all
  • If you don't want to re-deploy infrastructure services: postgres, mongodb, eventstore and rabbitmq, just run this command
./ all
  • Verify that all pods are running well by running kubectl get allk8s status

Get the access token to call authorized api endpoints

Register an user

  • Get the url to the user-service NodePort by running minikube service user-service-cluster-ip-service
  • Send a post request to create an user
curl -d '{"username":"test", "email":"", "password": "test", "role": "USER"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST <url-to-user-service-node-port>

Sign the user in

These steps will illustrate the process to get access_token with Oauth 2.0 authorization code flow

  • Go to browser and go to this url <url-to-service>/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=eshop&scope=openid&redirect_uri= Make sure that client_id and redirect_uri are same as the example because a client with the redirect uri was created in database while api-gateway is deployed.
  • You'll be redirected to the login page. Type the username and password for the user.
  • After login successfully, you'll be redirected to the page with the url like this. k8s status
  • Copy the code from the url
  • send a post request to authorization server with a basic auth header username: eshop, password: eshop-secret to log in
curl --location --request POST '<url-to-service>/oauth2/token?client_id=eshop&<authorization-code-from-previous-step>' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic ZXNob3A6ZXNob3Atc2VjcmV0' \
--header 'Cookie: csrf_token_806060ca5bf70dff3caa0e5c860002aade9d470a5a4dce73bcfa7ba10778f481=eZE6/yLRPQSXhOvYA3KqlQDSSmKq+dDxQHFf/HkSt04='
  • Here is an example of a login request
"access_token": "",
"scope": "openid",
"id_token": "",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 86399
  • If you decode the access token with, here is an example of payload data
"sub": "",
"aud": "eshop",
"nbf": 1680653930,
"role": "ADMIN",
"scope": [
"iss": "http://localhost:8080",
"name": "kkhanhluu",
"id": "90b5e3cf-fe53-46c7-9df2-494ffc6f27b7",
"exp": 1680740330,
"iat": 1680653930,
"email": ""

Call request to the API Gateway

  • Get the url to the api-gateway by running minikube service api-gateway-svc
  • Go to http://<api-gateway-url>/trpc-playground on browser, you can find a playground to send request to the gateway
  • Here is an example request to get list of products tRPC
  • For the endpoints that need authentication (i.e: create order), you need to send the header Authorization: Bearer <access-token> along with the request.